New Publications authored by Athena Research Center
1. Knowledge, Attitudes, and Perceptions of Dental Assistants regarding Dental Asepsis and Sterilization in the Dental Workplace
Syed Sarosh Mahdi, 1 , 2 , 3 Zohaib Ahmed, 4 Raheel Allana, 5 Francesco Amenta, 2 Daniyal Agha, 1 Mohammad Wasay Latif, 1 Umer Daood, 6 and Carina Mehanna 7
2. Teledentistry-based Program to Improve Oral Hygiene Indicators in Rural Pakistan-A Protocol
Syed Sarosh Mahdi 1, Raheel Allana 2, Francesco Amenta 3
3. Salivary biochemical assessments to determine smoking cessation under smoking cessation program
UmerDaooda Mohammed NadeemBijleb Syed SaroshMahdic HananOmard SobiaBilal